4 Ways To Utilize The TikTok Platform For Business

TikTok has become the newest trend in the social media world, with over 1.5 billion downloads on the Google Play store and the App Store. The platform consists of 15-60 seconds of videos created or shared by the users on the platform. Though currently, the largest demographic of TikTok is between the age groups of 16 to 24, the platform is emerging among people of all age groups. 

Though TikTok evolved as a platform to showcase the users’ talents and creativity, it has now become a tool for marketing and advertising to brands and businesses. The allure of TikTok for marketing is due to the sheer number of users on the platform. Though the TikTok algorithm is a bit confusing, yet it’s easy for your content to get viral when compared to other social platforms.

If you’re brand or business is on TikTok, then here are the four ways that you will need to try on the platform.

  1. Create Your Content

Though your brand is not well-known among the audience, yet you can impress them through creative and authentic content. When the brand expresses its real personality through its content, it builds trust and loyalty among the users. The brands can also avail of TikTok services at Twitrounds to develop a great bond between the brand and the user. It doesn’t mean that you will always need to come up with new and unique ideas for your content. You can also make use of the existing concept, but you will need to do it in your style. You are thus creating engagement with the TikTok users. TikTok is not like any other typical professional platform. It is a platform where you can try out your trends and showcase your brand’s real personality. Therefore, you can use the TikTok platform to showcase the practical side of your brand and build higher engagement with your audience.

  1. Develop User-Generated Content

Brands need to create content that engages more users on the platform. One of the TikTok contents that increase the engagement of your audience on the platform is user-generated content. The UGC brings in the idea of making anyone as a creator for the brand. The users create the brand’s content in their unique styles to build a higher connection with the brand. For example, a brand named Nike employed a new approach to the TikTok platform. Their branded hashtag #nike has millions of views. On scrolling down the hashtag, you can see various user-generated content related to the brand’s hashtag. UGC is a great way to advertise your brand cost-effectively. User-generated content not only increases your brand’s reach but also builds your brand’s persona and connects users with your brand. If you are trying to develop engaging content for your brand, then UGC is an efficient way to do it. 

  1. Try TikTok Advertising

Like other social platforms, TikTok also brought in the advertising opportunities on the platform. In TikTok advertising, the brands need to pay for their ads displayed to the users. The following are the four types of advertising on the platform.

Brand Takeovers: These ads appear on the feeds of the users. The brands can embed the required links on these ads. For a specific category, only one ad can appear per day.

Native Ads: These ads are of 9 to 15 seconds and can appear in between the user content. However, people can either skip or scroll down the ad.

Sponsored Challenges: The talk of TikTok are hashtag challenges. It is one of the best ways to promote the brand’s reach among users. These challenges build user-generated content.

Branded Lenses: You can buy a TikTok filter related to your brand or business. The users can select these lenses while choosing filters for their videos. These lenses will be live for about ten days only.

  1. Generate Influencer’s Content

As other social media platforms, the brands can adopt influencer marketing on TikTok also. The brands can increase their reach on partnering with influencers. As a brand, you can partner with influencers who work on your niche and who have followers related to your target market. On partnering with influencers, you can achieve engagement with a new audience as well as your followers. In case, if you are trying to build your follower’s base, use free TikTok fans trial service and gain fans in an instant.


Currently, TikTok is the talk of social media. It is full of creative video creators, influencers, advertisers, and marketers. If you are brand on TikTok, employ the above ways to create an engagement with your target audience, and also improve your ROI.